12. 8-bit Calculations

We’ve covered freezing the graph and optimizing for inference, but we haven’t yet covered quantization. So the next optimization we’ll discuss is converting the graph to perform 8-bit calculations. Here’s an example using the transform_graph tool:

~/tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \
--in_graph=frozen_graph.pb \
--out_graph=eightbit_graph.pb \
--inputs=image_input \
--outputs=Softmax \
remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)

There’s a lot going on here, which you can find more information in the TensorFlow Graph Transforms documentation .

The gist is that fold transforms look for subgraphs that always evaluate to to the same result. Then they consolidate each such subgraph into one Constant node.

quantize_weights quantizes values larger than 15 bits. It also adds nodes to convert back to floating point. The quantize_weights transform is mainly for reducing graph size. For the desired quantization computation behaviour we’ll need to use quantize_nodes as well.

Ok, let’s take a look:

from graph_utils import load_graph

sess, eightbit_ops = load_graph('eightbit_graph.pb')
print(len(eightbit_ops)) # 425

There are 425 operations, that’s more than the original frozen graph! Quantization computation requires extra nodes in general so it’s not a big deal. Nodes that have no quantization equivalent are keep as floating point.